WINTER SOLSTICE Celebration Pricing
only until December 31, 2022!
30 Minute Sacred Archetype Power Reading (Save $102)
Archetypes are hidden aspects of ourselves that are asking for us to connect to on a deep soul level to support our journey.
In this reading, discover your Archetypes who are:
Inviting you to connect so you can OPEN your wisdom receiving channel and deepen your purpose
Inviting you to Heal that you belong and have an important voice which helps you then to take action to be seen and build your business and stay out of self sabotaging behaviour
Inviting you to connect to the archetype to amplify your MANIFESTION and $ Making ability!
“I can’t believe Cynthia pulled this card for me. I used to write poetry as a kid and I realized how much it kept me in my feminine energy, which I learned from Cynthia is my receiving energy! It used to give me so much confidence as a kid! This was a big ah-ha to bring this back online. Also through the reading I realized I’m BLOCKING my money archetype and ‘thinking’ way too small! This is going to show you things you just can’t consciously see! Cynthia is incredibly intuitive.“
Anna L.
20 Minute FLOW Alignment Reading $47 (Save $50)
If you don’t know why you can’t manifest what you want you cannot change it! Everything is simply vibration! You are losing time, $ and energy. Let Cynthia’s super power intuition help you see what’s hiding from your awareness and get back into FLOW.
30 Minute FLOW Alignment Reading + Action Plan $77
If you don’t know why you cannot manifest what you want, you cannot change it and you are losing time, $ and energy. Everything is vibration! Let Cynthia’s super power intuition guide you to see what’s hiding and share the easiest way to get FLOWING in your business and life. Action plan including how to start raising your vibration faster to attract what you desire for a GREAT 2023!
Self-Hypnosis Training $197 (price goes up to $249 after December 31)
Training Date: January 4, 12 and Wrap up Coaching Call February 3 2023 (details below)
Practicing Hypnosis has so many Powerful benefits for manifestation. Your beliefs create a frequency that is ‘magnetic’ and that frequency helps you attract your dream clients, big opportunities and a REALLY exciting business that you LOVE!
Most of us struggle with our ‘focus’ and miss the frequency required to bring in the manifestation of money.
Learn more about why you aren’t manifesting and how you can use this sacred and ancient practice to REALLY become magnetic!
If you struggle with confidence, positive self talk and staying LIT UP and excited to take action then this is for you!
In this workshop you will learn:
A self-hypnosis practice to support you to change your own unconscious programming where you can rewire thoughts that support your BEST self and business in 2023!
The elements of an effective self-hypnosis practice and manifestation challenges you are currently facing
The best suggestions to give yourself to support amplifying belief and taking action even when it feels scary! These are 2 really important pillars for manifestation! (I’ll be sharing a really awesome technique as a BONUS to get you EXCITED to take action instead of afraid)
Training will be followed by a 21 day accountability integration period, where you will receive a weekly message to keep you on track and committed (I want you to SUCCEED)
At the end of 21 days, I’ll support you in a Virtual LIVE coaching call to answer any questions and support your continued success and of course to celebrate your new skill!
21-day Hypnosis tracker and Manifestation worksheets
Virtual live training on zoom plus some additional training tools
This is going to be a SUPER POWER skill that you don’t want to miss for your business! All training calls will be recorded.
January Training Dates
January 4 and 12 , 7pm-9:00pmEST
Live Coaching call February 3, 2023 5pm-6:30pmEST