


Build your Legacy


How different would your life be if you stopped doing what you ‘have’ to do or ‘should’ do and started doing from a place of excitement, passion and inspiration?! There is a BIG difference between GRIND Action and INSPIRED Action.

That produces a REALLY different outcome!


Spiritual Legacy Mentor,

Trained in Unconscious Mind tools such as:

NLP, Hypnosis and Time Line Therapy, producing FAST results.

‘Your Best Work is your Most ‘unconsciously’ Aligned Work!’

I know what it’s like to be so frustrated because you can’t figure out why things are not working. It’s what drove me to search and find life changing tools that actually pulled the root of ALL my problems. YES. A true story, filled with lots of healing, learning and wisdom and the results are backed by science which is why I can actually guarantee you a result.

I’m on a mission to help impact driven entrepreneurial women to Awaken, Emerge and Impact. Do you crave legacy and you know you are here to do BIG things and yet you are also feeling stuck and can’t see what’s next for you. Your focus might be in the gutter and in confusion.

You can have the best ideas in the world and if you can’t seem to trust yourself enough or take aligned INSPIRED action, then you are stuck in your unconscious ineffective programming DOING what’s actually out of alignment and that is why nothing is working.

This creates BIG misalignments in your programs, offers, courses and how you show up and ultimately your happiness!

After decades of working with spiritual teachers, trying to understand spiritual tools like the law of attraction and also searching for tools that could change my life I discovered a HUGE secret and one that helped me release a big trauma. It happened in less than 72 hours, one that I had held for decades that kept me shy, hiding from my potential and I could barely speak up. My ‘past’ was weaving into my whole life and that created big problems.

What happened after was extraordinary.

My anxiety was eliminated, I could finally leave the past behind and that meant I could focus on what I actually wanted to create in my life and I finally understood why the Law of Attraction was NOT working!

My business became some of my best work because I was in deep alignment. I also learned to use my voice and my health got better too.

If you struggle with clarity, confidence and faith I’m going to help you accelerate your deep wisdom, connecting to your truth and authentic expression helping you build a solid belief in yourself so you can have the impact you know you’re meant to have with more fun, flow and fulfillment

What’s different about working with the unconscious mind? Your problems don’t live on the surface (that’s just where it shows up and gets in the way of your life and business), I help you connect to the deep unconscious root and clear it PERMENANTLY!

If you are ready for change I can’t wait to meet you.




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Cynthia is passionate about helping individuals through their personal journey. She is ready to help you ACCELERATE YOUR SACRED POWER™.

Are you ready?