Do you know the intelligence your body has to heal itself WHEN it has what it needs and that it’s been doing it your whole life?

I was pretty surprised to realize that my body has cancer cells in it already and my body knows how to protect me from them. We are living in a temple of wisdom until we are not…


I am sharing a product that is gifting me back my bodies wisdom to restore and rejuvenate itself and I want to share it with you.

How I got here..

After my mom passed from Pancreatic Cancer my inner Healer got ignited and curious and I began a quest of attracting some incredible resources and products, all natural products created from the Earth.

I learned about the function and role that mitochondria play to keep our body (which is truly a healing machine) in great health with all its pumps and pathways open supporting organ function and circulating energy and oxygen, doing what it actually knows to do, all on it’s own.

A truth that I have realized is our Dr.’s don’t keep us healthy, our body does..until it doesn’t.

I finally understood why my mom passed away.

When we lack mitochondria , cell energy, to efficiently be our natural born temple of wisdom, the pumps and the pathways get clogged and damage the cell health.

What you might not know…

By the time we turn 30 we start to lose 10% of our mitochondria EACH decade (or more as we get older) and by the time we are 80 we have almost none left!

AND there is a way to restore and rebuild the mitochondria!

It’s called More Mito Restore

and More Mito Rejuvenate

More Mito started to change my life in just 4 days…

Grief is HARD on the body, I was exhausted, stressed, and little did I know I was going through an accelerated kundalini spiritual awakening (for those on the spiritual path you may know this) and I felt very ungrounded and confused about my life’s direction.

After 4 days of taking the products, my energy was restored to what I had when I was 20 years old (I used to joke to friends about those good ‘young’ days)!

Within 3 weeks here’s what else had changed:

  • I was calm and the stress dissipated. I felt grounded and balanced.

  • I had the energy of what I had when I was 20 years old! , where I was waking up with it, constant and I cut back on coffee because I don’t need it!

  • My clarity and focus became PRISTINE and here’s my big WOW factor, my grey hair was turning back to it’s original colour by week 3 and my skin was glowing!

  • The creativity downloads and my divine channel started sharing wisdom with me like never before , connecting me to my life purpose!

Why this product is unique:

  • The Unique patented formulation , XDS technology, puts the product right into the cell walls (some ingredients are even mentioned in the bible and used by the Pharos of Egypt!) to repair the damage in the cell walls and restore and build the mitochondria,

  • This is the only product that has this nano-particle technology in the world!

  • Once we have the mitochondrial energy everything else can repair and restore what’s out of alignment with our original temple

  • The special formulation helps the body to absorb all the ingredients (it takes 2 months to formulate) so that you are not cancelling out expensive supplements to work together and this formulation has almost 50 in it!


There is even a 30 day $ back guarantee.

If you are seeking to restore your temples natural ‘wisdom’ , please reach out to me to chat more or scroll below. I have witnessed countless testimonials and some people are calling their testimonials ‘miracles’ . The truth is that our body IS a miracle and when it stops working we think miracles come from outside of us YET this product simply is restoring the mitochondria inside so the body can function again.

Discover the incredible ingredients below and don’t be surprised if this product helps you save $ ! I helped a friend save $500 monthly on his supplements as this products formulation is AWESOME! Please keep focusing on living as vibrantly as you can because if you believe in your possibility you attract what you seek.


I LOVE animals and want them to have a long and healthy life. Toxins are in our home products closest to the ground and outside on the lawns. Pets can restore themselves to puppy years and reverse problems.

Here’s what my friends and family and clients are experiencing…

After just 4 days I could use my hands again! I had terrible arthritis previously and I’m 79 years old! I have more energy to function and have done more work in a week than I have in years!
— Steve R.
I had psoriasis around my eye and as a woman who uses only natural products, I found myself trying and buying so many products and nothing was working. In just a few weeks it was gone!
— Anna Lubaszka
I was a former pro-athlete and I had a terrible hamstring injury that wouldn’t heal. With More Mito it healed in 3 weeks!
— Joanna D.

If you would to chat about my experience with this product (I’m in such gratitude for this product) or to become a distributor (this company is a direct marketing nutraceutical company and it’s free to distribute and no monthly spend requirement) please email me at or call/text me at 647-539-7413.

I’m on a mission to share this product with as many people as I can because we all deserve to restore our bodies natural temple wisdom.
